What would Buddha say?
Bloomington, IL 61701 February 16, 2020 I have a funny story about this seemingly snippy gal at the Main Street Thrift Store yesterday. Ya see, two days ago I saw her taking pictures of new stuff that was being brought into the store from their van – which happens often. She had been snippy to me previously when I came in to see if they still had a guitar I wanted to buy, so I was a little snippy to her when I asked about the price on an old home-built bookcase. She said it was $79, and I said I wouldn’t pay more than $20 for it – so there – because I had built similar ones myself either by myself or with my Uncle Phil (I didn’t tell her that). Meanwhile I asked another guy working there how much these nice wooden Buddhas were - $12 apiece or $12 for the pair? He said the pair, so yesterday I stopped in because I saw a friend's Facebook post about Buddha, whom he likes, and figured I might get the pair and give him one for his help in finding a place to live back in May. Wel...