So We're Tim?
February 22, 2020
Bloomington, IL 61701
Bloomington, IL 61701
Then, I am armed with my 1% hydrocortisone cream and a bunch of
Naproxen – two big bottles for 1-1/2 the sale price – and as I close in on the
checkout counter I see a thing with Kit Kats and some other candy on display,
and the other candy says $1 Sale! But the Kit Kats you can’t tell how
much they are, and it’s the Mint Dark Chocolate kind that I like, so I ask the
gal how much the Kit Kats are, and she goes, “IMPULSE BUY IMPULSE BUY!!” I say,
“Well, I just now remembered these particular Kit Kats have a weird aftertaste,
so I’m not gonna get any. But I appreciate your telling me – ya know, a fellow
Boomer. In fact, I bet you’re close to retiring.”
She smiles and says, “Well . . .” So I say, because she saw by
my entering my phone number in the credit card thing that my name is Tim and
she verified by asking, “So we’re Tim?” and I said, “Well, *I’m* Tim” . .
. Well then, I say, “What’s your name?”
She says, “Nancy,” and I say, “Nancy, are you married?” and she laughs (and I
can tell she’s a nice person), “No, I’m not married, but I’m not dating right
now.” I say, “What’s wrong – got burned?” She says, “No, but stuff happens,” so
I said, “Well, maybe by the time I use all these pain pills, you will be in a
different frame of mind and then I’ll ask you again.” And she laughed again. It
was all REAL FUNNY and COOL. I sure got a kick out of it and I bet she did too.
I sure felt a lot younger after that.
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