As per the Internet

I went to Wally World today to get this and that, and I was in the paper goods aisle when I heard a woman announce that she was spending more money on the comfort of her butt than on anything else. I guessed that this gal was maybe 70 years old.

I said, "Is that right?" and she said, "Yes! Do you know what people used to use to wipe their butts?" I suggested corn cobs. "No," she said, "Pages from the Sears catalog!" I said, "Did you wipe your butt with those catalog pages?" "No!" she exclaimed. "Well," says I, "how do you know that people wiped their butts with catalog pages?" She answered, "I saw it on the Internet!" as though that put an end to the discussion. (In fact, my dad often said that: "Case closed!")

Apparently direct experience has been overruled by the Internet. At this rate, *anybody* could put *any* kind of B.S. on the Internet - moon made of green cheese, sun rotates around the earth, Elvis is alive and in a nursing home - wait! I saw him in a movie about that (Bubba Ho-tep), so he must still be in that nursing home.

Oh well, I wrassled with some other folks over the remaining Christmas tree stars and got out of there. JK! (that's Internet talk, Boomer).


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