
I started to read about emotional intelligence and some of the mindfulness exercises used in therapy, like putting people in a kind of meditative state and asking them to detect an emotion and then to describe it. It all sounded very touchie-feelie to me, but then suddenly I saw a reference to therapeutic hugging, and I read a Psychology Today article on the subject at I remembered your many references to hugging and wanting to hug your kids and friends, so I thought you might be interested. I grew up in a very non-hugging family, so when I read about Henry Harlow and his experiments with monkeys with wire mothers versus monkeys with real mothers, I related to the poor kids with the wire-mothers – WAAH! But I also thought-flashed on an experience I had more recently, only 40 years ago, when I was finishing my first degree at Illinois State. During that time I wanted some kind of spirit...