Corona Easter

BNormal, Illinois
April 12, 2020

After a few weeks of sheltering in place and having no incentive to work on academic manuscripts, all I wanted to do was stay at home and work on manuscripts so as to catch up on everything I missed. However, my sister and I, who are siblings and thus have complete immunity to each other’s cooties, had planned on a traditional Easter dinner, so traditional Easter dinner it was.

At first things were a bit edgy because Peggy was very much out of sorts since she hadn’t been able to teach her music and band classes for middle-school kids. But then we got to opening the wine prior to dinner, and somehow that made the cheese and crackers a mighty fine experience.

By the time we were into the second bottle, I stopped worrying about the manuscript and enjoyed dinner, and then we got to playing music and asking Alexa for more Apple Music of our choice. I asked for The Spinners’ “Working My Way Back to You, Babe” and things became downright marvelous. There was much more to this get-together, and it didn’t all involve booze. We got in a good power walk, chatted with a wonderful gal at Casey’s, said hi to lively puppies and their happy owners. In short it was a crack-in-time experience and for a moment we stood outside the chain-link fence that had surrounded our existence and pert near squeezed the life out of us.

My only hope is that we can extend the feeling that having taken a breather, we can get back into the fray and somehow make sense of it all.

Praise all that is holy that virus or not, it’s good to be alive.


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