Smooth operator
BNormal, Illinois
March 11, 2020
I will call this guy Ray because he’s a cool cat and a smooth
operator. First you should know that Ray is the same age, or maybe a bit older,
than me (70). When last I talked to Ray, he had a girlfriend in Rockford who liked
to smoke marijuana. He had carried on with this woman for some time, but then
he moved to Bloomington, where the jobs, especially the job of taxi driver, were
While he did not have his girlfriend there in BNormal to have
dinner with and console his soul, he did have Plenty of Fish, on which he met
several nice ladies. One of them was about thirty-five, and they hit it off
well until Ray came to the conclusion that the only thing they had in common
was sex. Sadly, he told her that they had to part, and she went off
broken-hearted because she thought Ray was the type of man who knew how to
treat a woman.
Ray, however, had a higher calling, or rather he simply wanted
MORE: he wanted a woman who, besides having a nice body, could *think* and carry on a conversation. It
appears that Ray has now – perhaps - found that woman, a gal in her 40s who
works at State Farm during the day and lives in rural Clinton outside of work
hours, where Ray visits her and they have dinner and sex. She’s a little on the
heavy side, says Ray, but that's O.K. He enjoys her inquiring mind and he likes the fact
that some of these young girls really like older guys. “Oh really?” says I.
“Yes, that’s true, “ says he. “Kelly’s O.K., except for one thing: She has bad
teeth.” So old Ray now keeps his eyes open for a young woman with a nice body and a
sharp mind but with better teeth. Always there is something better . . .
Be that as it may, it’s not always young intelligent girls with
nice bods and bad teeth for Ray because now his old girlfriend from Rockford
comes once a month to stay with him for a week at a time. And when Jennie
comes, she likes to have her familiar stuff on her own bedside table and her
clothes on her own hangars in the closet and her own toothbrush in a holder of
its own in the bathroom. So she comes and she stays for a week and then she
leaves, perhaps saddened by the fact that there’s no marijuana to be had at the
Normal dispensary because there has been a run on marijuana since it became
legal in January.
Howsoever that may be, Jenny leaves, and as soon as she’s out
the door, Ray takes all of her stuff from the bedside table and her clothes
from the closet and the toothbrush from the bathroom and hides them away
somewhere, then he calls Kelly and tells her he’s back in town from visiting
his grandma in Rockford and soon enough they are back to having dinner and sex,
or perhaps sex and dinner, as well as intelligent conversation, which they enjoy the livelong day.
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