BNormal Coffee Date: Prologue

Bloomington, IL 61701
March 3, 2020

A much older couple was sitting down too and we chatted a bit. I think maybe they assumed we were a couple too, but it was pleasant and I said to the fella, “So, are you on a date?” and he said, “Well, actually I just picked her up on the street,” and he winked and she laughed and said, “We've been together for seven years now.” It turns out they met when his wife was undergoing cancer treatment, and so was this gal sitting next to me. The wife died, but he started going with this good-hearted survivor. She said the relationship was going well, and they had just gotten back from visiting one of their kids in Colorado. I said, “Right” and told her she didn’t have to go to Colorado to score weed because she could buy it in Normal now. She laughed and waved her coffee cup around and said the heaviest thing she did was latte.


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